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by admin on 12 April, 2016
About 20 local residents attended and heard a thorough and interesting presentation about the latest developments in the Community Stadium plans. They were able to ask a lot of questions on a variety of topics, including traffic, capacity, the retail offer, the IMAX cinema and so on. Residents said they found it very helpful.
Following that, there was a presentation about the new Public Health offer that is on the way all round the city. Residents heard that the plan is to help people understand their own health better so that they can seek help early and not wait until things get serious. This might be by conversations with health ‘champions’ who will be specially trained volunteers, located all round the city, to give early support and advice when needed. Local community cafes and other easily accessible places will be part of the new approach. Both of our swimming pools will be such places as they make a significant contribution to Public Health and the Yearsley Pool Action Group representative was present to hear about the plans.
Finally, a member of St Andrew’s Church, which was where the meeting was held, described developments there, which include just such a drop in cafe, especially hoping to attract lonely and isolated members of the local community. A ward committee grant has been given to them to progress this work. Placed as it is, right between Huntington and New Earswick, the church building is in an ideal spot to be able to help in this way.
Keith, Chris and Carol are very grateful to all who contributed to the meeting and to those who attended.
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