Huntington and New Earswick Liberal Democrats

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Redrow Response – Monks Cross Link Road

by admin on 28 February, 2018

Liberal Democrat Councillors for Huntington and New Earswick believe this application is premature. The fact that consultation on this application will be held at the same time as consultation on the Local Plan proposals is at best unfortunate and at worst will result in scepticism and cynicism of the Local Plan process.

Whilst it is reassuring that Redrow say they will not ask for determination of the application until York’s Local Plan is ratified, the caveat they add that if the Local Plan is delayed they would call for the application to be decided is very worrying. If this were to be the case Huntington and New Earswick Councillors would oppose the application.

We believe that until York’s Local Plan is agreed by the Secretary of State this land is green belt land and any application to develop it should be dealt with on this basis.

We remain concerned about the impact on the already heavily congested Outer Ring Road and are pleased that the City of York Council are progressing plans to improve the roundabout at its junction with Monks Cross Link Road.

As local Huntington roads have become increasingly congested since the opening of the Vangarde development, with the Stadium retail park soon to open, it is critical that all access to the site is from Monks Cross Link Road.

As this land currently holds water in times of heavy rainfall it is important that the measures detailed in the application are in place before the site is developed.

North Lane Access:
We are opposed to the access to the development from North Lane. This is in conflict with the promises that were made when this site was included in the Local Plan that all access to the site would be from Monks Cross Link Road.

North Lane is a very narrow road where traffic travels at 60mph and more. This makes this road dangerous for access and exiting the development for vehicles. In addition North Lane is completely unsuitable for cyclists and pedestrians.

Green Wedge Keith Avenue:
It is reassuring that the “green wedge” local Councillors argued for is retained but it is very limited to the rear of Keith Avenue and Leafield Close. In order to protect the amenity of residents of these streets it is therefore not appropriate to have play areas at the western edge of the development.

Self Build:
It is very disappointing that Redrow are proposing to opt out of the Local Plan policy that developments should have a 5% allocation of self build homes. We believe that self build gives the opportunity for local people to design and build their homes to their own specifications.
We, therefore, believe that the 5% allocation for this site should be adhered to.

Affordable Housing:
We are pleased that a 30% allocation for affordable housing is included in the plans. We would, however, urge that this is conditioned in such a way that the obligation is fully adhered to.


Cllrs Keith Orrell, Carol Runciman and Chris Cullwick

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